Uma plataforma para todos os médicos
Simplifica prescrições e consultas, ajudando você a gerenciar pacientes e consultórios de forma inteligente. Crie sua primeira prescrição em menos de 60 segundos.
Using Zoom online colsultation patients can make a live video meeting with the experts and get treatment & advices from them. Also doctors can set a fees for the online consultation and receive payments from patients using paypal and stripe
Patients can booking their online or offline appointments with their expoerts in specific date and time. Doctors can manage all bookings from their portals and patients can see the status from patient portal.
We have a automated, powerfull and supereasy onload prescription system that will help the doctoros to create & print their prescriptions within a minute.
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Nosso processo de registro online facilita para você se inscrever para uma conta gratuita ou profissional.